§ 11-37.1-10 Penalties. (a) Any person who is required to register or verify his or her address or givenotice of a change of address or residence, who knowingly fails to do so, shallbe guilty of a felony and upon conviction be imprisoned not more than ten (10)years, or fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.
(b) Any person who is required to register or verify his orher address or give notice of a change of address or residence, who knowinglyfails to do so, shall be in violation of the terms of his or her release,regardless of whether or not the term was a special condition of his or herrelease on probation, parole or home confinement or other form of supervisedrelease.
(c) Any person who is required to register or verify his orher address, who knowingly resides within three hundred feet (300') of anyschool, public or private, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction maybe imprisoned not more than five (5) years, or fined not more than fivethousand dollars ($5,000) or both.