§ 11-37.1-12 Rules and regulations forcommunity notification. (a) The parole board shall promulgate guidelines and procedures fornotification required pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(b) The regulations shall provide for three (3) levels ofnotification depending upon the risk of re-offense level of the sex offenderdetermined by the sex offender board of review as outlined in §11-37.1-6(b):
(1) If risk of re-offense is low, law enforcement agenciesand any individuals identified in accordance with the parole board guidelinesshall be notified;
(2) If risk of re-offense is moderate, organizations in thecommunity likely to encounter the person registered shall be notified inaccordance with the parole board's guidelines, in addition to the noticerequired by subdivision (1) of this subsection;
(3) If risk of re-offense is high, the members of the publiclikely to encounter the person registered shall be notified through means inaccordance with the parole board's guidelines designed to reach members of thepublic likely to encounter the person registered, in addition to the noticerequired by subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection.
(4) The sex offender community notification unit isauthorized and directed to utilize the Rhode Island state police web site andthe Rhode Island Unified Court System website for the public release ofidentifying information of level two and level three sex offenders who havebeen convicted, provided that no identifying information of a juvenile shall belisted on the web site.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the sexoffender review board shall have access to all relevant records and informationin the possession of any state official or agency having a duty under §11-37.1-5(a)(1) through (6) relating to juvenile and adult offenders underreview by the sex offender review board, including, but not limited to, policereports, prosecutors statements of probable cause, pre-sentence investigationsand reports, complete judgments and sentences, current classificationreferrals, juvenile and adult criminal history records, violation anddisciplinary reports, all psychological evaluations and psychiatricevaluations, psychiatric hospital records, sex offender evaluations andtreatment reports, substance abuse evaluations and treatment reports to theextent allowed by federal law. Records and information obtained by the sexoffender review board under this subsection shall remain confidential, providedthat the parole board may disclose the records and information to the board ofreview, the sentencing court, and/or law enforcement agencies in accordancewith the provisions of this chapter.