§ 11-37.1-15 Application hearingprocedures. (a) On the date set for the hearing on the review of the application the courtshall:
(1) In camera, review the materials provided in accordancewith § 11-37.1-14(4);
(2) Determine whether and to what extent the production ofwitnesses and cross examination shall be required or permitted depending on thecomplexities of the matter involved, the extent of doubt concerning thecorrectness of the level, nature and extent of the notification proposed; and
(3) Presume the need for a prompt determination.
(b) In any application hearing proceeding the rules ofevidence shall not apply and the court may rely on documentary presentations,including expert opinion on all issues.
(c) Nothing in this section should be construed to allow theapplicant to relitigate the adjudication of guilt.