§ 11-41.1-14 Purchase of shopping carts,dairy cases, dispenser cases, egg baskets, bakery containers or plastic bulkmerchandise containers for recycling, shredding, or destruction Verification of seller's identity Proof of ownership record. (a) Any person or entity purchasing shopping carts, dairy cases, dispensercases, egg baskets, bakery containers or plastic bulk merchandise containers,who is in the business of recycling, shredding, or destruction of shoppingcarts, dairy cases, dispenser cases, egg baskets, bakery containers or plasticbulk merchandise containers shall obtain a proof of ownership record from aperson selling five (5) or more shopping carts, dairy cases, dispenser cases,egg baskets, bakery containers or plastic bulk merchandise containers thatshows that the person selling the carts, cases, baskets, or containers haslawful possession or ownership of the carts, cases, baskets, or containers, andshall also verify the seller's identity by a driver's license or othergovernment-issued photo identification. The proof of ownership record shallinclude all of the following information:
(1) The name, address, telephone number, and signature of theseller or the seller's authorized representative.
(2) The name and address of the buyer or consignee if notsold.
(3) A description of the product including number of units.
(4) The date of the transaction.
(b) The information required to be collected by this sectionshall be kept for one year from the date of purchase or delivery, whichever islater.