§ 11-41.1-2 Shopping carts, laundry carts,dairy cases, dispenser cases, egg baskets, bakery containers, poultry boxes,and plastic bulk merchandise containers. Any person, firm, corporation, or association owning shopping carts, laundrycarts, dairy cases, dispenser cases, egg baskets, bakery containers, poultryboxes, or plastic bulk merchandise containers may register with the secretaryof state a description of the name or mark affixed or stamped on those cases,baskets, containers or boxes for identification purposes. If the secretary ofstate determines that the name or mark is not a duplication of any name or markpreviously recorded in its files and does not so closely resemble any otherrecorded name or mark as to be misleading or deceiving, the secretary of stateshall register and record the name or mark in a file to be provided and kept bythe secretary of state for that purpose, along with the name and address of theregistering owner of the name or mark. If the secretary of state determinesthat the name or mark so applied for is a duplication of any name or markpreviously recorded by the secretary of state or so closely resembles a name ormark as to be misleading or deceiving, the application shall be denied and theapplicant may register some other name or mark in the manner described in thissection.