§ 11-41-14 Failure to return book or otherlibrary property. (a) Any person who shall take or borrow any book or other library property fromany of the libraries or collections as defined in § 11-44-15(b), and who,upon neglect to return it within the time required and specified in the bylaws,rules, or regulations of the library owning the property, after receivingnotice in writing by the librarian or other proper custodian of the propertythat it is overdue, shall upon further neglect to return it within sixty (60)days from the date of the notice be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be finednot more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), the fine to be for the use of thelibrary. A written or printed notice given personally or sent by mail to a lastknown or registered place of residence shall be considered a sufficient notice.In addition, if the book should be lost, destroyed, or not returned, the personshall within sixty (60) days after being so notified pay to the custodian thereplacement value of the book, including all reasonable processing costs, asdetermined by the governing board having jurisdiction.
(b) All library users shall be notified of the penaltiesprovided in subsection (a) of this section at the time they obtain or renewtheir library privileges. The final notice provided for in subsection (a) ofthis section shall also contain notice of the penalties.