§ 11-41-19 Refusal to return rentalbattery. Every person having in his or her possession any electric storage battery, theproperty of another, who neglects or refuses for a period of fourteen (14) daysafter demand for it shall have been made to deliver it to its owner, shall beguilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than twenty dollars($20.00), and shall be liable to the owner in an action of the case for thevalue of the electric storage battery at the time it was delivered to theperson. Demand for the return of an electric storage battery shall be made inwriting and shall be served upon the person upon whom demand is made by leavingit in his or her hands and possession or by sending it to him or her, postagefully prepaid, by registered or certified mail, to the address given by him orher at the time he or she received the battery.