§ 11-41-20.1 Shoplifting Use ofimplements in concealment. Whoever shall willfully take possession of any goods, wares, or merchandiseoffered for sale by any store or other mercantile establishment, or whoevershall willfully conceal upon his or her person, among his belongings, or uponthe person or among the belongings of another unpurchased goods, wares, ormerchandise of any store or other mercantile establishment either inside thestore or other mercantile establishment or outside, but in its immediatevicinity, with the intention of converting it to his or her own use withoutpaying the purchase price, with intention of depriving the owner of all or somepart of the value, while wearing any article of clothing, or carrying anyimplement of any kind specifically designed or adapted for the purpose ofconcealing, carrying away, or otherwise unlawfully removing any merchandisefrom a store, knowing the clothing or implement to be designed or adapted forthat purpose, with the intent to use or employ it or allow it be used oremployed for an unlawful purpose, shall be guilty of a felony and shall bepunished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more thanfive thousand dollars ($5,000) or by imprisonment for not more than five (5)years, or both.