§ 11-42-1.2 Kickbacks from public worksprojects. Any person who by force, intimidation, or threat of procuring dismissal fromemployment, or loss of loan or grant from the state or political subdivisionthereof or city or town, induces any person employed in the construction,completion, or repair of any public building, public work, or building or workfinanced in whole or in part by loans or grants by the state or any politicalsubdivision or any city or town of the state, or any person receiving orbenefiting from a grant or loan, to give up any part of the compensation towhich the person is entitled under a contract of employment, shall beimprisoned for a term not more than fifteen (15) years, or be fined not morethan twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), or both, and shall forfeit allunjust enrichment.