§ 11-44-5 Willful damage while hunting,trapping or fishing. Whoever shall enter upon land of another for the purpose of hunting, trappingor fishing, and while upon the land shall do any willful damage to the propertyof the owner of the land, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars ($20.00).The owner of the property may recover from any person convicted of a violationof the provisions of this section, in an action of the case, twice the amountof the damages so sustained; and the license to pursue, hunt, and kill game inthe state of Rhode Island during the open season issued under the provisions ofchapter 13 of title 20 to any persons who shall thereafter be convicted of aviolation of the provisions of this section shall be forfeited and no licenseshall be issued to him or her under the provisions of title 20 for a period ofone year after that conviction.