§ 11-47-11 License or permit to carryconcealed pistol or revolver. (a) The licensing authorities of any city or town shall, upon application ofany person twenty-one (21) years of age or over having a bona fide residence orplace of business within the city or town, or of any person twenty-one (21)years of age or over having a bona fide residence within the United States anda license or permit to carry a pistol or revolver concealed upon his or herperson issued by the authorities of any other state or subdivision of theUnited States, issue a license or permit to the person to carry concealed uponhis or her person a pistol or revolver everywhere within this state for four(4) years from date of issue, if it appears that the applicant has good reasonto fear an injury to his or her person or property or has any other properreason for carrying a pistol or revolver, and that he or she is a suitableperson to be so licensed. The license or permit shall be in triplicate in formto be prescribed by the attorney general and shall bear the fingerprint,photograph, name, address, description, and signature of the licensee and thereason given for desiring a license or permit and in no case shall it containthe serial number of any firearm. The original shall be delivered to thelicensee. Any member of the licensing authority, its agents, servants, andemployees shall be immune from suit in any action, civil or criminal, basedupon any official act or decision, performed or made in good faith in issuing alicense or permit under this chapter.
(b) Notwithstanding any other chapter or section of thegeneral laws of the state of Rhode Island, the licensing authority of any cityor town shall not provide or release to any individual, firm, association orcorporation the name, address, or date of birth of any person who has held orcurrently holds a license or permit to carry a concealed pistol or revolver.This section shall not be construed to prohibit the release of any statisticaldata of a general nature relative to age, gender and racial or ethnicbackground nor shall it be construed to prevent the release of information toparties involved in any prosecution of § 11-47-8 or in response to alawful subpoena in any criminal or civil action which the person is a party tothat action.