§ 11-47-15.1 Qualifications required oflaw enforcement officers appointed after June 6, 1970. (a) Except as provided in § 11-47-15.3, all law enforcement officers ofthis state and its political subdivisions whose permanent appointment shalltake place later than June 6, 1970, shall qualify on the official NationalRifle Association B-21 police combat target firing a score of one hundredsixty-five (165) or better out of a possible score of two hundred fifty (250)with fifty (50) rounds in the distance, time period, and position required inthe course:
(1) Stage A: Seven (7) yards, ten (10) shots crouch position,time twenty-five (25) seconds.
(2) Stage B: twelve (12) yards, five (5) shots point shoulderleft hand, five (5) shots point shoulder right hand, both unsupported, and five(5) shots kneeling, time seventy-five (75) seconds.
(3) Stage C: twenty-one (21) yards, five (5) shots pointshoulder left hand supported, five (5) shots point shoulder right handsupported, time forty-five (45) seconds.
(4) Stage D: twenty-five (25) yards, five (5) shots prone,five (5) shots left hand barricade, five (5) shots right hand barricade, timeone minute forty-five (1:45) seconds.
(b) All stages are started with the weapon loaded with 5rounds and holstered.