§ 11-47-16.1 Special commission on lawenforcement weapons qualifications of retired officers. (a) There is hereby created a special commission to be known as the "LawEnforcement Weapons Qualifications of Retired Officers Commission."
(b) The purpose and charge of said commission shall be tostudy all aspects of firearms qualifications, standards, and certifications forall retired law enforcement officers appointed after June 17, 1959, from eachof the city and town police departments of this state.
(c) The commission shall consist of eight (8) members: one ofwhom shall be the president of the State Fraternal Order of Police, ordesignee; one of whom shall be the president of the Providence Fraternal Orderof Police, Lodge No. 3, or designee; one of whom shall be the superintendent ofthe Rhode Island state police, or designee; one of whom shall be arepresentative of a local branch of the International Brotherhood of PoliceOfficers, to be appointed by the national president of the IBPO; one of whomshall be the executive director of the New England Police Chiefs Association,or designee; one of whom shall be the chairman of the Rhode Island commissionon law enforcement standards and training, or designee; one of whom shall bethe Rhode Island attorney general, or designee; and one of whom shall thepresident of the Rhode Island State Rifle and Revolver Association or designee.
(d) Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in likemanner as the original appointment.
(e) The membership of said commission shall receive nocompensation for their services.
(f) All departments and agencies of the state shall furnishsuch advice and information, documentary and otherwise, to said commission andits agents as is deemed necessary or desirable by the commission to facilitatethe purposes of this resolution.
(g) The commission shall report its findings andrecommendations to the general assembly annually, on or before January 2,commencing in 2009.