§ 11-47-17 Qualifications required of lawenforcement officers appointed after June 17, 1959. Except as provided in § 11-47-15.3, all law enforcement officers of thisstate and its political subdivisions whose permanent appointment shall takeplace after June 17, 1959, will be required to qualify with the pistol orrevolver with which they are armed prior to their permanent appointment, thatqualification to be the same as that required in § 11-47-15. Constables,special officers, and all law enforcement officers who by law are authorized tocarry side-arms and whose appointments are made on a recurring basis will berequired to qualify not later than one year following the date of enactment ofthis section, and their commissions or warrants will be plainly marked orstamped "QUALIFIED WITH PISTOL OR REVOLVER" and will be signed and dated by thecertifying authority attesting to that fact. The failure of any law enforcementofficer to qualify under the provisions of this section revokes his or herprivilege of carrying a pistol or revolver, whether concealed or not, on orabout his or her person. All law enforcement officers of this state and itspolitical subdivisions will repeat this qualification at periods of not morethan one year, except for correctional officers who must repeat thisqualification every two (2) years.