§ 11-47-17.1 Mandatory or discretionarynature of § 11-47-15.1 requirements Qualification reports to befiled. (a) All law enforcement officers of this state and its political subdivisions,whose permanent appointment shall take place later than June 6, 1970, shall berequired to qualify with the pistol or revolver with which they are armed priorto their permanent appointment, that qualification to be as required in§§ 11-47-15.1 and 11-47-15.3. All permanent appointed law enforcementofficers of this state and its political subdivisions who are required toqualify under § 11-47-17 may, at the discretion of the officer, qualifyunder either § 11-47-15, 11-47-15.1 or 11-47-15.3. The failure of any lawenforcement officer to qualify under the provisions of this section revokes hisor her privilege of carrying a pistol or revolver, whether concealed or not, onor about his or her person. Qualification under this section will be requiredat periods of not more than one year, except for correctional officers who mustrepeat this qualification every two (2) years.
(b) Copies of all of the qualification reports shall be filedwith the office of the attorney general.