§ 11-47-39 Issuance and conditions ofdealer's license. The duly constituted licensing authorities of any city, town, or politicalsubdivision of this state may grant licenses in form prescribed by the attorneygeneral effective for not more than one year from date of issue permitting thelicensee to sell pistols and revolvers at retail within this state, subject tothe following conditions in addition to those specified in §§11-47-35 and 11-47-36, for breach of any of which the license shall beforfeited and the licensee subject to punishment as provided in this chapter:
(1) The business shall be carried on only in the buildingdesignated in the license.
(2) The license or a copy of it, certified by the issuingauthority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be read.
(3) No pistol or revolver shall be sold in violation of anyprovision of this chapter, nor shall a pistol or revolver be sold under anycircumstances unless the purchaser is personally known to the seller or shallpresent clear evidence of his or her identity.
(4) The fee for issuing the license shall be five dollars($5.00). The fee charged for the issuing of the license shall be applied forthe use and benefit of the city or town.