§ 11-47-8 License or permit required forcarrying pistol Possession of machine gun. (a) No person shall, without a license or permit issued as provided in§§ 11-47-11, 11-47-12 and 11-47-18, carry a pistol or revolver in anyvehicle or conveyance or on or about his or her person whether visible orconcealed, except in his or her dwelling house or place of business or on landpossessed by him or her or as provided in §§ 11-47-9 and 11-47-10.The provisions of these sections shall not apply to any person who is theholder of a valid license or permit issued by the licensing authority ofanother state, or territory of the United States, or political subdivision ofthe state or territory, allowing him or her to carry a pistol or revolver inany vehicle or conveyance or on or about his or her person whether visible orconcealed, provided the person is merely transporting the firearm through thestate in a vehicle or other conveyance without any intent on the part of theperson to detain him or herself or remain within the state of Rhode Island. Noperson shall manufacture, sell, purchase, or possess a machine gun except asotherwise provided in this chapter. Every person violating the provision ofthis section shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for not lessthan one nor more than ten (10) years, or by a fine up to ten thousand dollars($10,000), or both, and except for a first conviction under this section shallnot be afforded the provisions of suspension or deferment of sentence, nor aprobation.
(b) No person shall have in his or her possession or underhis or her control any sawed-off shotgun or sawed-off rifle as defined in§ 11-47-2. Any person convicted of violating this subsection shall bepunished by imprisonment for up to ten (10) years, or by a fine of up to fivethousand dollars ($5,000), or both.
(c) No person shall have in his or her possession or underhis or her control any firearm while the person delivers, possesses with intentto deliver, or manufactures a controlled substance. Any person convicted ofviolating this subsection shall be punished by imprisonment for not less thantwo (2) years nor more than twenty (20) years, and the sentence shall beconsecutive to any sentence the person may receive for the delivery, possessionwith intent to deliver, or the manufacture of the controlled substance. Itshall not be a defense to a violation of this subsection that a person has alicense or permit to carry or possess a firearm.