§ 11-49.2-2 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared as follows:
(1) There is a growing concern regarding the possible theftof an individual's identity and a resulting need for measures to protect theprivacy of personal information. It is the intent of the general assembly toensure that personal information about Rhode Island residents is protected. Tothat end, the purpose of this chapter is to require businesses that own orlicense personal information about Rhode Islanders to provide reasonablesecurity for that information. For the purpose of this chapter, the phrase"owns or licenses" is intended to include, but is not limited to, personalinformation that a business retains as part of the business' internal customeraccount or for the purpose of using that information in transactions with theperson to whom the information relates.
(2) A business that owns or licenses computerized unencriptedpersonal information about a Rhode Island resident shall implement and maintainreasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of theinformation, to protect the personal information from unauthorized access,destruction, use, modification, or disclosure.
(3) A business that discloses computerized unencriptedpersonal information about a Rhode Island resident pursuant to a contract witha nonaffiliated third-party shall require by contract that the third-partyimplement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriateto the nature of the information, to protect the personal information fromunauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure.