§ 11-49-5 Fraud by person authorized toprovide goods or services. (a) Illegally obtained or illegally possessed credit card; forge. Aperson who is authorized by an issuer to furnish money, goods, services, oranything else of value upon presentation of a credit card by the cardholder orany agent or employees of the person who, with intent to defraud the issuer orthe cardholder, furnishes money, goods, services, or anything else of valueupon presentation of a credit card obtained or retained in violation of thislaw or a credit card which he or she knows is forged, expired, or revoked,violates this subsection and is subject to the penalties set forth in §11-49-10(a), if the value of all money, goods, services, and other things ofvalue furnished in violation of this subsection does not exceed one hundreddollars ($100) in any six (6) month period. The violator is subject to thepenalties set forth in § 11-49-10(b) if the value does exceed one hundreddollars ($100) in any six (6) month period.
(b) Misrepresentation to issuer. A person who isauthorized by an issuer to furnish money, goods, services, or anything else ofvalue upon presentation of a credit card by the cardholder or any agent oremployee of the person who, with intent to defraud the issuer or thecardholder, fails to furnish money, goods, services, or anything else of valuewhich he or she represents in writing to the issuer that he has furnished,violates this subsection and is subject to the penalties set forth in §11-49-10(a), if the difference between the value of all money, goods, services,and anything else of value actually furnished and the value represented to theissuer to have been furnished, does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) inany six (6) month period. The violator is subject to the penalties set forth in§ 11-49-10(b) if the difference does exceed five hundred dollars ($500) inany six (6) month period.