§ 11-5-2.2 Battery Criminalnegligence. (a) When serious bodily injury, as defined in § 11-5-2, of any person,occurs as a proximate result of criminal negligence, the person committing thecriminal negligence shall be guilty of battery and shall be deemed to havecommitted a felony and shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten (10) years orfined not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.
(b) For the purposes of this section: (i) "Criminalnegligence" shall mean: Conduct which is such a departure from what would bethat of an ordinary prudent or careful person in the same circumstance as to beincompatible with a proper regard for human life or an indifference toconsequences. Criminal negligence is negligence that is aggravated, culpable orgross; (ii) "Person" shall mean an individual or any business entity recognizedby the laws of the state of Rhode Island including, but not limited to,corporations, limited liability corporations, partnerships or limited liabilitypartnerships.