§ 11-50-1 Filing requirement. Any person, firm, or corporation proposing to engage in any game, contest, orother promotion or advertising scheme or plan in which a retail establishmentoffers the opportunity to receive gifts, prizes, or gratuities, as determinedby chance, in order to promote its retail business, where the total announcedvalue of the prizes offered to the general public is in excess of five hundreddollars ($500), shall file with the secretary of state upon a form that he orshe shall provide a statement setting forth: (1) the minimum number ofparticipating objects to be made available; (2) the minimum number of prizewinning objects that will be included in the promotion or advertising scheme orplan; (3) the proportionate opportunity of winning prizes; (4) the minimumvalue of prizes to be made available; and (5) the rules and regulationspertaining to the promotion or advertising scheme or plan which shall includethe period of time and the geographic area to be covered by the contest. Thereshall be a filing fee of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) when thestatement is filed. Failure to file a statement shall be a misdemeanor.