§ 11-52.2-3 Unlawful control of acomputer. It is unlawful for a person who is not an owner or operator to transmitcomputer software to the owner or operator's computer with actual knowledge orwith conscious avoidance of actual knowledge and to use the software to do anyof the following:
(1) Take control of the computer by:
(a) Accessing or using the modem or internet service for suchcomputer to cause damage to the computer or cause an owner or operator to incurfinancial charges for a service that is not authorized by the owner or operator;
(b) Opening multiple, sequential, stand-alone advertisementsin the owner or operator's internet browser without the authorization of anowner or operator and that a reasonable computer user cannot close withoutturning off the computer or closing the internet browser;
(2) Modify any of the following settings related to thecomputer's access to, or use of, the internet:
(a) Settings that protect information about the owner oroperator in order to steal the owner or operator's personally identifiableinformation; and
(b) Security settings in order to cause damage to a computer;and
(3) Prevent an owner or operator's reasonable efforts toblock the installation of, or to disable, computer software by doing any of thefollowing:
(a) Presenting the owner or operator with an option todecline installation of computer software with knowledge that, when the optionis selected, the installation nevertheless proceeds; and
(b) Falsely representing that computer software has beendisabled.