§ 11-52-7 Use of false information. (a) Whoever intentionally or knowingly makes a transmission of false data forthe purpose of submitting a claim for payment, or makes, presents, or uses orcauses to be made, presented, or used any data for the purpose of submitting aclaim for payment with knowledge of its falsity and with knowledge that it willbe used for any claim for payment, shall be guilty of a felony and shall besubject to the penalties set forth in § 11-52-5.
(b) Whoever intentionally or knowingly: (1) makes atransmission of false data; or (2) makes, presents or uses or causes to bemade, presented or used any data for any other purpose with knowledge of itsfalsity, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penaltiesset forth in § 11-52-5.