§ 11-63-1 Unlawful use and/or removal oftheft detection shielding devices. (a) A person commits unlawful use of a theft detection shielding device when heor she knowingly manufactures, sells, offers for sale or distributes in any waya laminated or coated bag or device peculiar to and marketed for shielding andintended to shield merchandise from detection by an electronic or magnetictheft alarm sensor.
(b) A person commits unlawful possession of a theft detectionshielding device when he or she knowingly possesses any laminated or coated bagor device peculiar to and designed for shielding and intended to shieldmerchandise from detection by an electronic or magnetic theft alarm sensor,with the intent to commit theft or retail theft.
(c) A person commits unlawful possession of a theft detectiondevice remover when he or she knowingly possesses any tool or device designedto allow the removal of any theft detection device from any merchandise withthe intent to use the tool to remove any theft detection device from anymerchandise without the permission of the merchant or person owning or holdingthe merchandise.
(d) A person commits unlawful removal of a theft detectiondevice when he or she intentionally removes the device from merchandise priorto purchase.