§ 11-67-1 Definitions. As used herein:
(1) "Intimidation" means an intentional written, verbal orphysical act or threat of a physical act that, under the totality ofcircumstances a reasonable person should know will have the effect of:physically harming, or damaging a person's property, placing a person inreasonable fear of harm to his or her person or to his or her family, orplacing a person in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property.
(2) "Commercial sexual activity" means any sex act which isperformed or promised in return for payment of money.
(3) "Forced labor" means labor performed or provided byanother person that is obtained or maintained through:
(i) Any scheme, plan, or pattern intending to cause orthreatening to cause physical harm to any person;
(ii) An actor's physically restraining or threatening tophysically restrain another person;
(iii) An actor's abusing or threatening to abuse the law orlegal process;
(iv) An actor's knowingly destroying, concealing, removing,confiscating, or possessing without a person's consent any actual or purportedpassport or other immigration document, or any other actual or purportedgovernment identification document, of another person;
(v) An actor's blackmail; or
(vi) An actor's intimidation.
(4) "Labor" means work of economic or financial value.
(5) "Maintain" means, in relation to labor, to securecontinued performance thereof, regardless of any initial agreement on the partof the victim to perform such type of labor.
(6) "Obtain" means in relation to labor, to secure continuedperformance thereof.
(7) "Sex act" means any sexual contact or sexual penetrationof a person, as defined in § 11-37-1.
(8) "Victim" means a person subject to the practices setforth in § 11-67-2 or 11-67-3.