§ 11-67-2 Involuntary servitude. Whoever knowingly subjects, attempts to subject, or engages in a conspiracy tosubject another person to forced labor or commercial sexual activity either by:
(1) Causing or threatening to cause physical harm to anyperson;
(2) Physically restraining or threatening to physicallyrestrain another person;
(3) Abusing or threatening to abuse the law or legal process;
(4) Knowingly destroying, concealing, removing, confiscatingor possessing without that person's consent any actual or purported passport orother immigration document, or any other actual or purported governmentidentification document, of another person; or
(5) By using intimidation; shall be guilty of a felony andsubject to not more than twenty (20) years imprisonment or a fine of not morethan twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) or both.