§ 11-7-10 Acceptance of bribe by sportsparticipant or official. Any player, coach, manager, official, or other person engaged in the playing,arranging, or promotion of any amateur or professional athletic game or contestor jai alai match or officiating at the game, contest or match, or any owner,trainer, groom, jockey, racing official or other person participating in anyhorse race or dog race or in any manner engaged in conducting, arranging, orpromoting any horse race or officiating at any horse or dog race, who acceptsany gift or gratuity, directly or indirectly, from any person who gives,offers, or promises any gift or gratuity with intent to improperly influencethe conduct of the person in the arranging, holding, or playing of the athleticgame or contest or jai alai match or officiating at the game, contest or match,or the running or promoting of the horse race or dog race or officiating at thehorse or dog race, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousanddollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment of not more than seven (7) years, or both.