§ 11-7-12 Failure to report corruption ofsports participant or official. Any person who knows or has reason to know that corruption of a player, coach,manager, trainer, umpire, referee, or other person engaged in playing,arranging, staging, officiating at, or promoting any amateur or professionalathletic game or contest or jai alai match to be played or held within thestate of Rhode Island, or any owner, trainer, groom, jockey, racing official,or other person in any manner engaged in or connected with the running,officiating at, or promoting any horse race or dog race run or to be run withinthe state of Rhode Island by giving, offering or promising any gift or gratuitywhatever, directly or indirectly, with intent to improperly influence theconduct of the person in the playing, running or carrying out of any athleticgame or contest or jai alai match or any horse race or dog race has taken placein his or her presence or that any attempt to corrupt that person has takenplace in his or her presence shall immediately notify the state police or thepolice department of the city or town in which the corruption or attempt tocorrupt has taken place. Any person violating the provisions of this sectionshall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by afine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment for notmore than one year, or both.