§ 11-7-9 Corruption of sports participantor official. Whoever corrupts or attempts to corrupt a player, coach, manager, trainer,umpire, referee, or other person engaged in playing, arranging, staging,officiating at, or promoting any amateur or professional athletic game orcontest or jai alai match to be played or held within the state of RhodeIsland, or who corrupts or attempts to corrupt any owner, trainer, groom,jockey, racing official, or other person in any manner engaged in or connectedwith the running, officiating at or promoting any horse race or dog race run orto be run within the state of Rhode Island by giving, offering, or promisingany gift or gratuity whatever, directly or indirectly, with intent toimproperly influence the conduct of the person in the playing, running, orcarrying out of any athletic game or contest or jai alai match or any horserace, or officiating at the game or contest, whether the offer, promise, gift,or gratuity is made at or away from the playing field, boxing or ice arena,race course or fronton, or other place where the athletic game, contest, orhorse race is scheduled to take place with intent to improperly influence theconduct of the person in connection with the proper playing or promoting of theathletic game or contest or jai alai match or officiating at the game, contestor match, or the proper running or promoting of any horse race or dog race orofficiating at any horse or dog race, shall be punished by a fine of not morethan one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment of not more than seven(7) years, or both.