§ 11-8-6 Entry to steal poultry Arrest Fine. Every person who breaks and enters, or enters in the nighttime withoutbreaking, any building or enclosure in which are kept or confined any kind ofpoultry, with intent to steal any of the poultry, shall be punished byimprisonment for not more than five (5) years, or by a fine of not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500), or both. Every person who is discovered in the actof willfully entering any building or enclosure in which are kept or confinedany kind of poultry, with intent to steal any of the poultry, may be arrestedwithout a warrant by a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, guard, policeofficer, or other person and detained in jail or otherwise until a complaintcan be made against him or her for the offense, and until he or she is taken ona warrant issued upon the complaint, but detention without a warrant shall notcontinue more than twenty-four (24) hours. One-half ( 1/2) of any fine imposedunder this section shall inure to the complainant.