§ 11-8-8 Injury or death Defense. In the event that any person shall die or shall sustain a personal injury inany way or for any cause while in the commission of any criminal offenseenumerated in §§ 11-8-2 11-8-6, it shall be rebuttablypresumed as a matter of law in any civil or criminal proceeding that the owner,tenant, or occupier of the place where the offense was committed acted byreasonable means in self-defense and in the reasonable belief that the personengaged in the criminal offense was about to inflict great bodily harm or deathupon that person or any other individual lawfully in the place where thecriminal offense was committed. There shall be no duty on the part of an owner,tenant, or occupier to retreat from any person engaged in the commission of anycriminal offense enumerated in §§ 11-8-2 11-8-6.