§ 11-9-1.1 Child nudity prohibited inpublications. Every person, firm, association, or corporation which shall publish, sell,offer for sale, loan, give away, or otherwise distribute any book, magazine,pamphlet, or other publication, or any photograph, picture, or film whichdepicts any child, or children, under the age of eighteen (18) years and knownto be under the age of eighteen (18) years of age by the person, firm,association, or corporation in a setting which taken as a whole suggests to theaverage person that the child, or children, is about to engage in or hasengaged in, any sexual act, or which depicts any child under eighteen (18)years of age performing sodomy, oral copulation, sexual intercourse,masturbation, or bestiality, shall, for the first offense, be punished byimprisonment for not more than ten (10) years, or by a fine of not more thanten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both; for any subsequent offense, byimprisonment for not more than fifteen (15) years, or by a fine of not morethan fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), or both. Provided, that artisticdrawings, sketches, paintings, sculptures, or other artistic renditions, shallbe exempt from the provisions of this section.