§ 11-9-13.4 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Bidi cigarette" means any product that (i) containstobacco that is wrapped in temburni or tender leaf or that is wrapped in anyother material identified by rules of the Department of Health that is similarin appearance or characteristics to the temburni or tender leaf and (ii) doesnot contain a smoke filtering device.
(2) "Court" means any appropriate district court of the stateof Rhode Island.
(3) "Dealer" is synonymous with the term "retail tobaccoproducts dealer".
(4) "Department of mental health, retardation and hospitals"means the state of Rhode Island mental health, retardation and hospitalsdepartment, its employees, agents or assigns.
(5) "Department of taxation" means the state of Rhode Islandtaxation division, its employees, agents, or assigns.
(6) "License" is synonymous with the term "retail tobaccoproducts dealer license."
(7) "License holder" is synonymous with the term "retailtobacco products dealer."
(8) "Person" means any individual person, firm, association,or corporation licensed as a retail dealer to sell tobacco products within thestate.
(9) "Retail tobacco products dealer" means the holder of alicense to sell tobacco products at retail.
(10) "Retail tobacco products dealer license" means a licenseto sell tobacco products at retail as issued by the department of taxation.
(11) "Spitting tobacco" also means snuff, powdered tobacco,chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, pouch tobacco or smokeless tobacco.
(12) "Tobacco product(s)" means any product containingtobacco, including bidi cigarettes, as defined in subdivision (1) of thissection, which can be used for, but whose use is not limited to, smoking,sniffing, chewing or spitting of the product.
(13) "Underage individual" or "underage individuals" meansany child under the age of eighteen (18) years of age.
(14) "Little cigars" means and includes any roll, made whollyor in part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape and irrespective ofwhether the tobacco is flavored, adulterated or mixed with any otheringredient, where such roll has a wrapper or cover made of tobacco wrapped inleaf tobacco or any substance containing tobacco paper or any other material,except where such wrapper is wholly or in greater part made of tobacco and suchroll weighs over three (3) pounds per thousand (1,000).