§ 12-1.2-3 Functions of the state crimelaboratory. The state crime laboratory shall be responsible for:
(1) Technical services. (i) To examine andevaluate physical evidence collected at the scene of a crime or related to acrime. The examinations will be conducted in areas such as forensic serology,firearms, analyses of accelerants, explosives, scientific methodology inmicroscopy, including fiber, hair, blood, and plant microscopy, spectroscopy,ion emission, glass examination, tool impressions, fingerprint techniques, tireimpressions, and other similar technology;
(ii) To examine evidence upon submission by state and localfire departments and law enforcement agencies;
(iii) To assure the safe custody of that evidence;
(iv) To submit written reports of the results of examinationsof evidence to the agency;
(v) To request the services of qualified consultants whendeemed necessary;
(vi) To render expert court testimony when requested;
(vii) To assist in the processing of a crime scene uponrequest to the director. Transportation as needed for this function should beprovided by the agency requesting assistance.
(i) To offer a training course in scientific criminalinvestigation each year to all enforcement divisions both state and local;
(ii) To offer refresher or in-service courses in specialtyareas of scientific criminal investigation;
(iii) To conduct training dealing with police science, whenrequested, for each of the Rhode Island State Municipal Police Training Academyclasses, the Providence Police Academy classes, and the Rhode Island StatePolice Academy classes.
(3) Research. To conduct ongoing research in areas ofthe forensic sciences.