§ 12-1.5-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter:
(1) "CODIS" is derived from combined DNA index system, theFederal Bureau of Investigation's national DNA identification index system thatallows the storage and exchange of DNA records submitted by state and localforensic DNA laboratories;
(2) "DNA" means deooxyribonucleic acid, which is located inthe cells of the body and provides an individual's personal genetic blueprint.DNA encodes genetic information that is the basis of human hereditary andforensic identification;
(3) "DNA record" means DNA identification information only,which is stored in the state DNA database or the combined DNA index system forthe purpose of generating investigative leads or supporting statisticalinterpretation of DNA test results. The DNA record is the result obtained fromthe DNA typing tests. The DNA record is comprised of the characteristics of aDNA sample which are of value only in establishing the identity of individuals.The DNA record, however, does not include the DNA sample, and the DNA recordmay never include the results of tests of any structural genes. The results ofall DNA identification tests on an individual's DNA sample are alsocollectively referred to as the DNA profile of an individual;
(4) "DNA sample" means a blood or tissue sample provided byany person with respect to offenses covered by this chapter, or submitted tothe department of health laboratory pursuant to this chapter for DNA analysisor storage, or both;
(5) "F.B.I." means the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(6) "State DNA databank" means the repository of DNA samplescollected under this chapter, which is administered by the department ofhealth; and
(7) "State DNA database" means the state-level DNAidentification record system to support law enforcement which is administeredby the department of health and which provides DNA records to the F.B.I. forstorage and maintenance in CODIS. It is the collective capability to store andmaintain DNA records related to forensic casework, the DNA records of thoseconvicted offenders required to provide a DNA sample under state law, andanonymous DNA records used for research, quality control, and other DNAanalysis support systems.