§ 12-1-4 Division of criminalidentification Chief and assistants. There shall be a division of criminal identification in the department of theattorney general to be in charge of a chief who shall be appointed by theattorney general to serve at the pleasure of the attorney general, and whoshall devote all of his or her time to the duties of his or her office. Thechief with the approval of the attorney general may appoint any assistants thathe or she may deem necessary to carry out the work of the division, within thelimits of any appropriation made for that purpose, and may with the approval ofthe attorney general discontinue the employment of any assistants at any time.The chief shall perform the functions required by the provisions of thischapter. In addition to availability of records to law enforcement agencies andofficers, the records shall be made available to any attorney of record in anycriminal action, and any officials of businesses which are required by federalor state law or regulation to effectuate a criminal background check ofpotential or prospective employees. The information shall be confidential andshall be used only by the employer for the employee's application of employment.