§ 12-11.1-4 Composition Secretaryof state required to inform jury commissioner. A statewide grand jury shall be selected at random from the names of allprospective grand jurors appearing on current lists compiled pursuant tochapter 9 of title 9. In selecting the jurors, the jury commissioner shallselect from each county a number of grand jurors which shall bear to the totalnumber of grand jurors to be selected the same proportion as the current numberof voters from the county bears to the total current number of voters for thestate as a whole. For purposes of this section, Providence and Bristol countiesshall be considered one county, and the size of the statewide grand jury shallbe considered as twenty-three (23) members; provided, the actual size of thestatewide grand jury shall conform to the provisions of § 12-11-1 and Rule6(a) of the Superior Court Rules of Criminal Procedure.