§ 12-11.1-5.1 Unlawful grand jurydisclosure. (a) Any person who, when being a grand juror, a public prosecutor, a grand jurystenographer, a grand jury interpreter, a police officer or a peace officerguarding a witness in a grand jury proceeding, or a clerk, attendant, warden orother public servant having official duties in or about a grand jury room orproceeding, or a public officer or public employee, obtains information in hisor her official capacity and intentionally discloses, prior to the report ofthe grand jury on the matter, to another the nature or substance of any grandjury testimony, or any decision, result, or other matter attending a grand juryproceeding which is required by law to be kept secret, except in the properdischarge of his or her official duties or upon written order of the courtshall be guilty of grand jury disclosure. Nothing in this section shall beconstrued to prohibit a witness from disclosing his or her own testimony.
(b) Any person who violates any provision of this sectionshall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) orimprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.