§ 12-13-2 Warrant for apprehension ofaccused person. Any court before which an indictment or information shall be found or bepending, and any court before which a complaint shall be made or be pending,against any person for an offense of which the court has cognizance, may issuea warrant directed to each and all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, town sergeants,and constables within the state requiring them to apprehend the person andbring him or her before the court, if the court is in session, or if not, tocommit him or her to jail in the county in which the indictment, information,or complaint is pending, there to be kept until he or she shall be broughtbefore the court, or until he or she shall give recognizance before some personauthorized to take recognizance for the offense, with sufficient surety orsureties in the sum named in the warrant, if any sum is named in the warrant,and, if not, in the sum as the person taking the recognizance shall deemreasonable if the offense is bailable, to appear before the court in which theindictment, information, or complaint is pending, at the time required by theperson so taking the recognizance, and to answer the indictment, information,or complaint; provided, that the prisoner may give the recognizance while inthe custody of the officer before he or she is committed to jail before someperson authorized to take recognizance for the offense, and upon takingrecognizance the officer shall discharge the prisoner from his or her custody.The officers to whom the warrant shall be directed are required to obey andexecute it, and in its execution shall be protected from obstruction andassault, as in the service of other process.