§ 12-13-9 Commitment of juveniles onfailure to give recognizance. Any accused person, under the age of eighteen (18) years, who shall be requiredby any court to enter into recognizance for his or her appearance before anycourt and shall not give the recognizance may, at the discretion of the court,be committed to the state training school for youth, there to remain until therequired recognizance is given or he or she is otherwise discharged by law. Thewarrant or mittimus for the commitment of any the accused person to the schoolshall be, as nearly as the object of the commitment will admit, in the formprescribed in § 12-19-27 for the commitment of persons sentenced to thestate training schools; and the director of corrections and his or hersubordinates shall have the same authority over any accused person so committedto their custody which they have by law over persons sentenced to the school,except that they shall not have authority to bind out or discharge the accusedpersons.