§ 12-14-10 Violations of traffic andparking regulations in the town of Jamestown. A person charged with the violation of any provision of the ordinances relatingto parking and/or traffic ordained by the town council of the town ofJamestown, and a person charged with a violation of any parking regulation ofthe state traffic commission relating to parking in Jamestown, notified inwriting by a police officer to appear on a day and hour stated in the notice toanswer the charge before the district court of the second division, instead ofpersonally appearing in court may in person or by one duly authorized by him orher in writing appear at the Jamestown police station, admit the truth of thecharge and pay to the officer in charge of the police station the amount of thefine set forth in the ordinance or parking regulation of the state trafficcommission for violations, and the police department shall collect the fines asprovided in this section, when the offender decides to dispose of the chargewithout personal appearance in court within seven (7) days from notification.The police department is authorized to receive fines directly from any personcharged with a violation, and money so received and collected shall be turnedover by the police to the town treasurer. All charges, records, and paymentsshall be immediately entered by the police and the books of the policecontaining the records of the violations, their dispositions and money receivedas fines, shall be audited not less than once every three (3) months by thetown treasurer of the town. In the event the offender refuses or neglects todispose of the charges within seven (7) days, then he or she shall be broughtbefore the district court of the second division for trial and for anydisposition of the case that the court may decide to be proper, in which casethe provisions of § 12-14-1, relating to fines and their disposition,shall prevail. In addition the offender may mail the fine in accordance withthe applicable provisions of the general laws.