§ 12-14-11 Violations of parkingregulations in the town of Barrington. The town of Barrington is authorized and empowered to fix any fines that theBarrington town council may, from time to time, establish for violation of anyprovision of the ordinances relating to parking. The town council may designatethe police department for the purpose of collecting fines as provided in thissection, when the offender desires to dispose of the charge without personalappearance in court, within seven (7) days from notification. The policedepartment is authorized to receive the fines, directly or by mail, from anyperson charged with violation of any provision of the ordinances of the townrelating to traffic, and the money so received and collected shall be turnedover by the police to the town treasurer of Barrington. All charges, records,and payments shall be immediately entered by the police in their bookscontaining records of violations, and their disposition, and money received asfines shall be audited not less than once every three (3) months by the towntreasurer of the town. In the event the offender refuses or neglects to disposeof the charges within seven (7) days, then he or she shall be brought beforethe district court of the state of Rhode Island, first division, for trial andfor any disposition of the case that the court may decide to be proper, inwhich case the provisions of § 12-14-1, relating to fines and theirdisposition, shall prevail.