§ 12-19.3-2 Adoption of presumptivesentences. Each year the justices of the superior court shall by majority vote, and withthe approval of the supreme court, adopt as a rule of court presumptivesentences to be imposed upon defendants who have been found guilty after atrial. The rule shall establish a presumptive sentence or sentencing range foreach category of felony which constituted more than five percent (5%) of thecriminal caseload in the superior court during the preceding year and for anyadditional categories of felonies that the justices deem appropriate. It shallalso set forth the criteria for evaluation upon which the presumptive sentencesare based. Prior to implementation, the rule shall be forwarded to the supremecourt for its approval. A complete listing of the presumptive sentences soestablished shall be made public no less than thirty (30) days prior toimplementation.