§ 12-19.3-3 Procedures for sentencing. In all cases where the defendant has been found guilty after trial of anoffense for which a sentencing standard has been established pursuant to §12-19.3-2, the trial justice shall impose a sentence within the presumptivesentencing range unless he or she finds that substantial and compellingcircumstances exist which justify imposition of an alternative sentence. Thisfinding may be based upon the character and background of the defendant, thenature and circumstances of the offense, and/or the nature and quality of theevidence presented at trial. When justified by those factors, he or she mayimpose either a more lenient or a more severe sentence than provided for in therule. If a sentence outside of the presumptive range is imposed, the trialjustice shall set forth on the record the circumstances which he or she foundas justification for imposition of the alternative sentence.