§ 12-19-19 Sentencing on plea of guilty ornolo contendere Deferment of sentence. Whenever any prisoner is arraigned before the superior court and pleads guiltyor refuses to contend with the state, he or she may be at any time sentenced bythe court; provided, that if at any time the court formally defers sentencingthe defendant, and upon the deferral a written agreement concerning thedeferring of sentence is entered into between the attorney general and theprisoner and filed with the clerk of the court, the court may only imposesentence within five (5) years from and after the date of the writtenagreement, unless during the period, the prisoner shall be sentenced toimprisonment in this or in any other state, in which event the court may imposesentence at any time within five (5) years from and after the termination ofthe sentence of imprisonment, or unless at the time the sentence is formallydeferred the prisoner is serving a term of imprisonment under sentencepreviously imposed in another case, in which event the court may imposesentence at any time within five (5) years from and after the date on which theprisoner is released from prison either on parole or at the termination of thesentence of imprisonment, whichever first occurs.