§ 12-19-2.1 Crimes committed in a publichousing for the elderly project. (a) Whenever a person has been found guilty of an offense described insubsection (b) of this section which was committed while on the premises of apublic housing for the elderly project and upon a resident of the project, thecourt shall sentence the person to imprisonment for not more than five (5)years in addition to any other punishment which the court, in its discretion,may impose.
(b) This section shall apply to any offense in the followingcategories: (1) assault and battery; (2) statutory burning of personalproperty; (3) larceny of property or money of a value not exceeding fivehundred dollars ($500); (4) and any other crime, excluding motor vehicleoffenses, which results in personal injury or death, unless a maximum sentenceof greater than five (5) years is provided elsewhere in the general laws.