§ 12-2.1-1 Appointment of special police. The superintendent of state police, upon the petition of a private college,university, junior college, or other private educational institution of higherlearning located in this state, may from time to time appoint qualifiedemployees of those institutions as special police officers. The petition shallcontain the name, address, qualifications, and personal history of the personfor whom appointment is requested. Any person so appointed must havesatisfactorily completed the established course of training in the policetraining school as established in this state. Following appointment, the personshall hold office as a special police officer until: (1) his or her appointmentis revoked by the superintendent of state police; (2) until the petitioninginstitution shall file written notice with the superintendent that thedesignation of the person as a special police officer should be revoked; or (3)until his or her employment with the petitioning institution is terminated.Upon appointment of a special police officer, the superintendent shall issue tothe person a license to act as a special police officer and the license shall,in the courts of this state, be evidence of the validity of the appointment ofthe person named in it and of his or her authority to act as a special policeofficer.