§ 12-2.1-6 Reciprocity. Any individual who has been appointed as a police officer in a sister state orone of its municipalities and who has satisfactorily completed a requiredcourse of police officer training recognized and certified by the sister statemay apply, in writing, to the superintendent of state police for a certificateto the effect that the applicant has completed a course of training equivalentto that required under § 12-2.1-1. The application may be granted in wholeor in part or denied. If granted in part, the exact extent of both any waiverof training and the training yet to be satisfactorily completed shall be setforth in full. The certification shall be granted only if the superintendentdetermines that the course of training previously taken, together with thesatisfactory completion of any training not waived, is in compliance with andequivalent to the training required by § 12-2.1-1.