§ 12-2.2-6 Temporary assignment of capitolpolice officers. (a) Upon the convening of the general assembly in each year, four (4) membersof the capitol police will be assigned to these branches of government forsecurity purposes. Two (2) capitol police officers will be chosen by thespeaker of the house of representatives and two (2) capitol police officerswill be chosen by the president of the senate to serve in these capacities.Duties assigned, clothing to be worn, and hours to be worked will be designatedby the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate.These four (4) capitol police officers will be considered "on assignment"whenever officially assigned to any place used by the general assembly toconduct its business, or any place used by the committee or members of thegeneral assembly to conduct business.
(b) Following the adjournment of the general assembly, or atany other time designated by the speaker of the house of representatives or thepresident of the senate, these four (4) capitol police officers will return totheir previously assigned duties as members of the capitol police.