§ 12-20-3 Sheriff's fees on commitmentsand habeas corpus. All commitments upon process issued in criminal cases by the supreme court, thesuperior court within and for the counties of Providence and Newport, and thedistrict court for the second and sixth divisions shall be made by deputysheriffs attending upon the courts respectively, and all writs of habeas corpusissued by the supreme court, the superior court within and for the counties ofProvidence and Newport, and the district court for the second and sixthdivisions shall be served by deputy sheriffs attending upon the courtsrespectively, and the deputy sheriffs shall receive no fees for making thecommitments or for serving the writs, but shall receive their actual expensesof travel, to be allowed by the court, and which shall not form a part of thebill of costs taxed against a convict under § 12-20-9.